Author: Patricia Mauerhofer

  • Five Barriers that Hinder your Happiness

    Five Barriers that Hinder your Happiness

    Please share this article viaDo you agree that happiness is a choice and can be cultivated? Yes, of course, but… Let’s look today at the barriers that may hinder you from being happy and living your best life. You know from experience that achieving happiness is not simple. For instance, did you know that we…

  • How to Act From of Your Zone of Excellence

    How to Act From of Your Zone of Excellence

    Please share this article viaDid you know that you have 24 strengths? We all have a unique Character Strengths Profile. The study and use of strengths are central to the science of positive psychology. Knowing and tapping into your strengths is vital to thrive at work and act in your zone of excellence!   One…

  • How to Start Flourishing Now

    How to Start Flourishing Now

    Please share this article viaLife is short. The rest of your life starts today. Did you know that less than one person in five is flourishing according to positive psychology? Why not make this year the year in which you start flourishing? Do not wait any longer! Take action now and start to live the…

  • How to Make Time to Do What You Love

    How to Make Time to Do What You Love

    Please share this article viaWe have covered different aspects of cultivating love and happiness on this blog. You may ask, “but how can I make time to pursue happiness?” That’s easy: through cultivating habits and becoming conscious of what you focus on. Learn how to focus on actions in your everyday life to get into…

  • Why is happiness a choice?

    Why is happiness a choice?

    Please share this article viaHave you heard of the ‘happiness formula’ developed by Martin Seligman, one of the founders of positive psychology? Did you know that scientific studies have proved the following: be happy now, and this will allow you to become successful – and not vice versa? Learn why happiness is a choice. Happiness…

  • How to Stop your Inner Critics

    How to Stop your Inner Critics

    Please share this article viaEveryone knows the critical inner voice that tells you, “I can’t do this”, or “I’m not ready now”, and other things that may be powerful hindrances on your way to success and happiness. What can you do to stop these thoughts? I want to show you how to cause an immediate…

  • One Simple Technique to Change Your Mood

    One Simple Technique to Change Your Mood

    Please share this article viaWhat if there were an easy way to overcome states that are not conducive to your well-being and happiness? Do you know what to do if you feel down or sad or lack confidence? Let me show you a simple and fun process to change your mood. Apply these five steps;…

  • The Secret to Mutually Nurturing Relationships

    The Secret to Mutually Nurturing Relationships

    Please share this article viaMany Bright Women find it easy to feel and express love for others. You’re probably one of them. And what about the other side of the coin? What if there was an easy way – a simple secret – to have mutually nurturing relationships? Read on to try it out! Are…