Multifaceted Women’s Writing Circle

Women's Writing Circle

Are you ready to play? To explore, dive deep, dream big and have fun while writing with other multifaceted, bright, empathic women like you?

Women's Writing Circle

Welcome – Willkommen – Bienvenue to my latest playground for bright grownups.

The Writing Circle is a monthly gathering to write together, explore your facets, rewrite the stories that no longer serve you, and create compelling visions for a bright future.


Each first Friday at 5 pm CEST, taught by Patricia around the immaterial wealth you can create and experience = joy, love and meaning Learn more

On the second or third Thursday at 4 pm CEST, taught by Patty Muffins around Exploring Your Many Facets.
This class is complete for the time being. Please contact us if you are interested in joining the circle later in 2023.

Click to join the Writing circles.


What will we do?

We come together online for 75 minutes. You write in whatever language you fancy. There will be 3 to 5 exercises per session around a given topic. Methods: automatic writing, free-writing, expressive writing, journaling, making lists, brainstorming (on our own) around a topic or issue, vision work, creative writing if you wish.

Each person shares a few words or a sentence or two with the others after some of the exercises.

We explore what we love, what inspires us and what brings us joy. You will get to know various facets of yourself better and rewrite some of the stories you are telling yourself that hinder and harm you. We are going to dream big and enjoy the process.

We share a safe space and time in Ximension filled with respect, benevolence, and joy.

As a side effect, you will grow personally, deepen your understanding of your uniqueness, experience healing and let go of stuff hindering you from moving forward, tap fully into your potential and brighten up your life. Participants also felt inspired to take focused action as a result of the writing and become conscious of aspects that were hidden before.


What we will not do

Read our texts to others.

Get feedback about our writing.

Learn techniques to write creatively or professionally (blogging, copywriting, storytelling).

If any of the latter interests you, reach out by email if I am in a playful mood, I may offer this later as well to a small and dedicated group of women.



No formal writing experience is necessary. Other professional writers are very welcome, however.

Show up with curiosity and an open mind. Be eager to learn, play with ideas and words and let go of perfectionism.

Have different notebooks or supports for the different aspects of our writing practice. For example, I always use separate notebooks for exercises that have the function of “brain dump” or “brainstorm” from exercises that explore and rewrite aspects of the past and/or create visions of our bright future.



The contribution fee is 45 Swiss Francs for a single-class Currency converter

Overview of all upcoming classes.

Note: the number of participants is limited to a maximum of 6


Your Facilitator and Host

Patricia Mauerhofer leads the workshops on the first Fridays. In her twenties, Patricia has translated non-fiction books (E > D, F > D) and edited translated books (E > D, I > D) as a freelancer and Literary Scout.

She holds an M.A., a degree in Media Relations and is a certified Coach and Project Manager. She has also worked as Editor, Content Manager and Communication Officer. Since 2013 she has added blogging, skills in marketing, copywriting, social media posting and storytelling to her writing toolbox.

After taking various classes in communication, professional and creative writing during the last three decades, she is eventually offering this space for fellow multifaceted explorers – a dream that has been sitting on her Bucket List and that she realises now.

Patty Muffins after delivering a live WebinarPatty Muffins guides you through the writing sessions on the third Thursday of the month. She taught herself to read and write at the age of four. Before she started school, she loved to write on a shiny, black mechanical typewriter (where you could alter the colours with the aid of a black and red ribbon – fellow Gen X ladies do you remember these?).

She has filled numerous journals (and thrown away most of them while moving houses or decluttering) and still writes in roughly ten different notebooks for the time being. Patty is an avid lover of language and reads poems aloud from time to time. She writes at a proficiency level in German, English and French and loves to explore topics orally in Italian and Spanish, too.


Secure your spot if you are ready to ponder less & play more.


PS: If you wonder why I hold this space only for women read this.